Send automated and one-off omnichannel messages via texts, emails, calls, and push notifications in your client's preferred language.

Send Texts, Emails, Calls, and Push Notifications

Communicate in Over 100 Languages

Manual, Bulk, and Automated Messaging

Track and Report Message Delivery

Respond to Inbound Messages in Real-Time

Start Free Trial
Demo of Multilingual Messaging

Message Tracking

Know who receives each message with unique, real-time tracking.

Multilingual Support

Translate messages automatically based on the recipient's preferred language option.

Attach Files and Links

Link messages to downloadable files with electronic signature support.

Auto Forwarding, Messaging, and Reminders

Trigger messages based on the latest event status and create smart forwarding rules.

Clone, Test, and Run

Easy-to-use administration tools simplify and standardize sending common bulk messages.

Hire Chatbots for Free

Embed multilingual chatbots to help site visitors and free up staff's time.

Notify those who need to know with bulk messaging.

Easy-to-use admin tools provide the ability to clone, test, and run bulk messages.

Share secure links to files, media, websites, and documents with built-in tracking and eSignature.

Automatically reply to inbound messages and create smart forwarding rules.

Schedule bulk actions.

Create unlimited bulk actions in all plans.

Demo of Sending a Bulk Message Action in eCourtDate

Sample Mass Message Templates

Import a sample template or write a message from scratch. Bulk messages can be multilingual with support for any language.

Your portal comes pre-configured with the following templates:

Public Event

Client Survey

Outstanding Payment

Security Incident

Jury Duty

Location Closure

Start Free Trial

Multilingual and multichannel, automated on demand.

AI or human-enabled two-way communication options for court and law enforcement partners.

Outbound messages trigger language preference.

Bulk messages go out in multiple languages with one click.

Save time with automated processes.

AI chatbots can trigger actions and remember preferences.

Cover multiple channels simultaneously with social media, SMS, emails, and calls.

Decrease Failure to Appear rates.

See Supported Languages
Demo of Sending a Location Closure Due to Weather Notification
Demo of Sending a Push Notification

Personalized Push Notifications

Real-time push notifications to any mobile device.

Push notifications are a great way to reach your audience in real time.

Send messages to mobile devices without an app.

Push Notifications are delivered immediately.

Use push notifications to send reminders and alerts.

Notify individual clients or groups of clients at a time.

Scales instantly for high-volume use cases.

Works with Google's Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) and Apple's Push Notification Service (APNs).

Why us?

Unlike mass marketing solutions like Twilio, we help justice agencies with a complete communications solution that will help save your staff time and increase access to justice.

Security Tools including Cloudflare, AWS, AWS GovCloud, Azure, and StateRAMP