Integrate eCourtDate with oAuth

Integrate your software with eCourtDate's platform using oAuth.

Enable internal users to single sign-on (SSO) to eCourtDate using their existing credentials.

With standards-based oAuth, you can securely authenticate users and authorize access to eCourtDate's platform.

Users will be able to sign in to eCourtDate using their existing identity provider, without needing to create a separate account.

Once authenticated, users will be able to access eCourtDate's platform with the appropriate roles and permissions to the applicable agency.

When users are deactivated or removed from the identity provider, their ongoing access to eCourtDate will be automatically revoked.

All user activity is logged and audited for security and compliance purposes.

Auto Assignment

Automatically assign users to the appropriate agency based on their identity provider group membership.

Each user will be assigned the appropriate agency, roles, and permissions based on their group membership in the identity provider.

Supported oAuth Identity Providers

  • Google Workspace
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Okta
  • OneLogin
  • Auth0
  • Custom - manual configuration required

Read our oAuth guide for technical users to learn more.


  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Secure Authentication
  • Private sign-in URL
  • Customizable login page
  • Automated user management