The Problem: Courts across the country report as high as 48% Failure to Appear (FTA) for jury duty.

Court System Impact

Many jurors who don't show up for court report having never received their summons. High nonresponse and FTA rates force the summoning of extra jurors and cause staff time to be used on jury-related tasks.

Public Impact

Inaccurate addresses can cause mail delivery failure. No-shows overburden those who do participate and lead to less diverse jury pools that inadequately represent marginalized communities.

Platform Overview

Our Solution: Modernize jury communications with innovative features.

Coordinate everything from juror data collection to FTA rate insights, all in one place.

Randomized Selection

Ensure fairness and legal standards compliance with randomized juror, judge, and date selection. Notify jurors by mail, text, email, and phone.

Multichannel Notifications

Send immediate or scheduled one-off and bulk messages to juror groups with notifications and last-minute changes.

Online Forms Management

Create and distribute online forms - including questionnaires and surveys - with streamlined response and excusal management.

Juror Self-Enrollment

Allow jurors to sign up for direct notifications with QR codes included in their mailed summons.

Reports and FTA Insights

Generate nonresponse reports for needed follow-up and gather insights based on appearance patterns.

Secure juror portals

Create an accessible, multilingual portal where jurors can access everything related to their jury service.

How It Works

Our platform is uniquely tailored for the complexities of juror management. Our suite of innovative features ensures an efficient experience for both administrators and jurors.

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File upload and template mapping

Upload Jury Lists to Streamline Data Integration

Managing disparate juror lists can be cumbersome and error-prone. eCourtDate simplifies this by offering compatibility with all major case management systems.

Merge multiple jury lists without creating duplicate contacts.

Supports multiple file formats, including CSV, XLS, XML

Customized field mapping to match corresponding data categories

Ensures efficient data handling and eliminates mistakes.

Validate Juror Contact Information

Incorrect juror contact information leads to ineffective communication. eCourtDate addresses this by automatically validating phone numbers, emails, and addresses, ensuring communication reaches the intended jurors.

Validation begins immediately after jury list upload.

Review and correct any discrepancies highlighted by the system.

Jury List Contact Validation
Set juror communication preferences

Enhance Reach with Juror Notifications

Conventional means of notifying jurors face limitations. eCourtDate provides notifications across multiple channels in the juror's chosen language.

Create and dispatch customized multilingual messages using the 'Send Notification' feature.

Select the preferred method(s) of communication for each juror.

Know when jurors have viewed the messages.

Use text, call, email, and mail notifications to ensure jurors receive their messages.

Reach Unreachable Jurors

eCourtDate addresses the issue of jurors not accessible via digital means. Our system integrates with postal systems to send notifications to those without saved digital contact information.

Include a QR code when sending mail summons that allows jurors to self-enroll, update contact methods, and manage preferences.

Automatically generate daily reports that identify jurors who have yet to respond to digital outreach.

Example mail jury summons with self-enrollment for jurors
Random juror selection and notification

Randomly Select Jurors, Judges, and Dates

Ensure fairness and compliance with legal standards by randomly selecting jurors, judges, and dates.

Offer a fair and unbiased jury selection process

Automate the notification process, saving time in juror summoning.

Create and Send Online Forms Automatically

Our built-in form builder simplifies the creation of user-friendly online forms. Online forms, including Voir Dire questionnaires, are automatically distributed with customizable options to meet court requirements.

Streamline the juror screening process and improve response rates.

Allow jurors to fill and submit needed forms from any device.

Example online juror questionnaire form
Juror response and excusal management

Track Juror Responses and Excusal Management

Collecting and managing juror responses is streamlined through eCourtDate’s juror portal, simplifying response and excusal management.

Offer an online juror portal for easy submission of responses and excusal requests.

Enable clerks to monitor and manage these submissions efficiently through the dashboard.

Secure Juror Portals with Hybrid Check-In Options

Jurors securely create their accounts using multifactor authentication. They can conveniently check in virtually (with a virtual juror badge or QR code) and in-person through the user-friendly platform.

Jurors customize how they receive notifications, tailoring the communication to suit their preferences.

Allow jurors to access court calendars and updates, as well as the ability to securely upload/download files.

Greet jurors by name and allow for convenient check in, saving time and reducing wait times. Court staff are alerted upon check in.

Clear instructions, including directions to specific locations and estimated wait times, are communicated seamlessly.

Secure juror portal with online and in-person check in
Example data dashboard with failure to appear (FTA) insights

Use Data-Driven Insights for Better Decision Making

eCourtDate's data dashboard provides valuable metrics for insights on juror attendance patterns.

Access juror compliance metrics on the Data Dashboard.

Use these insights to adjust your juror management strategies.

Ready to increase juror attendance with eCourtDate?

Revolutionize your court's jury management process today with our specialized solution.

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We are serious about security.

  • Hosted in CJIS-compliant GovCloud™
  • Firewall and DDoS Protection
  • Government-Grade Encryption
  • Multifactor Authentication
  • API Key Management
  • Disaster Recovery
Security Tools including Cloudflare, AWS, AWS GovCloud, Azure, and StateRAMP