Coordinating a unified message during a crisis is difficult. Security incidents, last minute severe weather, and emergencies impact everyone.

The Public

Time is of the essence in emergency situations. Notifying the public as quickly as possible is a fundamental part of public safety.

Court Staff

With an established set of protocols, court staff can quickly trigger set messages to the public during service disruptions.

Attorneys and Agents

Notify attorneys, bonding agents, and other firms with daily and weekly summaries.

Law Enforcement Agencies

It is crucial that law enforcement officers responding to a crisis be well informed.

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Inform the public during an emergency with mass text, email, and voice messages.

Emergencies can happen at any time. Providing immediate information to the public is essential to ensuring their safety.

Geo-target recipients by address

Send messages directly to all people in the incident radius.

Multilingual Support

Auto-translate messages into the recipient's chosen language, with 100 supported languages (and counting).


Cover all bases by ensuring needed parties are reached across all available channels and platforms.

Delivery Status Tracking

Know when and where messages have been opened.

Generate Custom Reports

Create reports to track message open rates, delivery failures, FTA rate changes, and more visually over time.

Two-way Messaging

Be available with quick responses during a crisis with two-way text, chat, and email through a secure, public portal.

How It Works

Quickly notify scheduled visitors, the public, and staff about fast-changing emergencies.

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Upload and validate your emergency contact list.

Lists are maintained through various methods, including bulk uploads, automated uploads from external case management systems, or direct integration via the eCourtDate API.

Contact validation begins immediately after upload. The system flags any discrepancies for review.

Clients can also self-enroll through the web portal and are immediately added to the master list.

Upload emergency contact list and validate contacts
Court Date Automessages Example

Create an Event Flow for Court Closures

Send messages to notify scheduled visitors of court closures or emergency preparations.

Dispatch notifications instantly or according to a pre-determined schedule, such as a week prior or on the day itself.

Decide the content and timing of messages to be distributed. Set up automated alerts and directives based on adaptable criteria.

Link Clients to Specific Events or Groups

Link clients with a closure at their location or that impacts their scheduling.

Categorize clients into groups so everyone receives personalized alerts for the unique requirements of their assigned group.

Allow clients to self-schedule in the event of an appointment conflict with a court closure.

Link Events and Groups
Court Closure due to severe weather

Auto-notify those Impacted by Closures and Updates

Keep the public updated by notifying defendants, attorneys, prosecutors, and needed admin staff of any changes, rescheduling, or cancellations.

Things move fast during emergencies. Ensure notifications are received immediately by those who need them most, including over social media.

Create multilingual message flows that make sure no communication falls through the cracks. Portals are also supported.

Send out Bulk Messages to Groups and Individuals

Alert everyone, or just those with scheduled appointments during the closure event.

Send mulitple versions of closure alerts: people located within the geo-targeted area receive an informational alert, while people scheduled to come to court receive a rescheduling option.

Allow clients to reschedule based on court availability with a link sent directly to their phone.

Reschedule due to severe weather closure
Manage online form submissions

Distribute Assistance Forms and Manage Responses

Send needed files and forms directly to the public in the event of an emergency. Generate and include QR codes for rescheduling and more.

Easily manage submitted responses with our online form features. Create and distribute forms, and send documents for direct download.

Include links for information on in-person and virtual events and allow users who need to reschedule quick check-in options.

Create Granular Reports

Prepare visual reports detailing customizable fields which show numbers and progress over time.

Create tailored visual reports to gain insights into the effectiveness of your messaging strategies.

Increase access to justice with a better understanding of how to reach the public. Speak your public's language.

Court Case Report

Let's reach the public together.

Revolutionize your emergency communication today with our specialized solution.

Sign up for our Free Trial

Why us?

Unlike mass marketing solutions like Twilio, we help justice agencies with a complete communications solution that will help save your staff time and increase access to justice.

Security Tools including Cloudflare, AWS, AWS GovCloud, Azure, and StateRAMP