eCourtDate is built for Justice Agencies

We provide a software-as-a-solution (SaaS) for courts, law enforcement, corrections, prosecutors, public defenders, and other justice agencies.

eCourtDate Comparison with Twilio
Complete Communications Platform
SMS and Voice
Purpose eCourtDate exclusively works with justice agencies to modernize public-facing services, enhance public engagement, and drive data-driven decisions. Twilio is an SMS and voice API platform designed for customers to build their own in-house, ad-hoc system or hire a third party developer.
Audience eCourtDate meets the unique needs and challenges experienced by justice agencies when communicating with the public and staff. Twilio is focused on software developers building solutions primarily for customer engagement and marketing use cases.
Services eCourtDate provides a complete multi-channel notifications platform for justice agencies. We provide a flexible API to send and receive messages, an SFTP Gateway, a web-based Admin application, and a web-based Portal for the public. Twilio allows software developers to create custom solutions that send and receive Voice, SMS, and MMS. Twilio provides a limited Console to manage phone numbers and messaging services. Any Admin or Portal functionality would need to be custom-built.
Security eCourtDate is built as a multi-tenant SaaS platform with isolated infrastructure for each agency, hosted in the CJIS-compliant AWS GovCloud, and a StateRAMP member. Twilio is a mass market platform with shared resources across customers, is not CJIS-compliant, and is not designed to meet stringent government security requirements.
Support eCourtDate provides 24/7 support for all customers, including a dedicated Customer Success Manager and a dedicated Solutions Engineer. All support team members are USA-based, undergo background checks, and receive regular cybersecurity training. Twilio requires a separate support contract for chat, phone, or email support. Support is not included in the base price. Support is not guaranteed to be USA-based.
Onboarding eCourtDate provides a dedicated onboarding team to assist with the setup and configuration of the platform. We offer unlimited virtual training and customized train-the-trainer and end-user training. Twilio does not offer onboarding services. Customers are expected to build their own solutions or hire a third-party developer.
Pricing eCourtDate offers a transparent pricing model with no hidden fees. We offer a predictable, annual subscription-based pricing model with a certain number of message credits included. Additional message credits can be purchased as needed with free rollover. We also offer a free trial and a free demo. We guarantee no price increases or changes is terms of service and offer multi-year contracts. Twilio offers a usage-based pricing model with a complex pricing structure. Customers are billed based on usage and are required to pay for additional services and support. Terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice.
Legal eCourtDate contracts are vetted by government attorneys and are designed to meet the unique liability and indemnification requirements of government agencies. Twilio contracts are designed for private sector customers and may not meet the unique liability and indemnification requirements of government agencies.
Payment eCourtDate accepts purchase orders, checks, and ACH payments. We also accept credit card payments for smaller transactions. Twilio requires a credit card for all transactions. They do not accept purchase orders or checks. They do not offer invoicing without a $12K commitment.
Billing eCourtDate provides a dedicated billing team to assist with billing inquiries and to provide detailed billing reports. Our Data Dashboards provide insights to help control costs and track usage. Twilio does not offer a dedicated billing team. Customers are expected to manage their own billing inquiries and reports.
Data Retention eCourtDate provides unlimited data retention and point-in-time data recovery capabilities to meet the unique data retention requirements of government agencies. Twilio automatically deletes data after 180 days and does not offer point-in-time data recovery capabilities. Limited data retention requires a separate service and is not included in the base price. Certain data retention requirements may not be met without custom development as Twilio periodically deletes data.
Data Privacy eCourtDate is designed to meet the unique data privacy requirements of government agencies. We offer flexible privacy solutions for Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and sensitive data. Twilio is designed for private sector customers and may not meet the unique data privacy requirements of government agencies without custom development.
Data Security eCourtDate provides read-only audit logs, configurable two-factor authentication, and granular user access controls to meet the unique data security requirements of government agencies. Twilio is designed for private sector customers and provides basic security controls and audit logs.
Data Sovereignty eCourtDate is hosted in the CJIS-compliant AWS GovCloud and is a StateRAMP member. We provide a dedicated infrastructure for each agency to meet the unique data sovereignty requirements of government agencies. Twilio is hosted in the public AWS cloud and does not provide a dedicated infrastructure for each customer. Data sovereignty requirements may not be met without custom development.
Multi-Channel eCourtDate's multi-channel platform provides a unified interface to send and receive messages across text, voice, email, chat, and push notifications. Twilio's provides different APIs for each messaging channel. Emails, chat, and push notifications are not natively supported.
Multilingual eCourtDate's multilingual platform provides a unified interface to send and receive messages in multiple languages. We offer a wide range of (55+) languages and voice dialects. Twilio's multilingual capabilities require custom development and are not natively supported.
Accessibility eCourtDate is designed to meet the unique accessibility requirements of government agencies. We offer a wide range of accessibility features and are Section 508 compliant for all applications. Twilio does not guarantee accessibility compliance for end users and may not meet the unique accessibility requirements of government agencies without custom development.
Messaging API eCourtDate provides a flexible one-off messages API to send and receive messages based on custom, dynamic, or saved templates. Developers can use the same API for text, voice, email, chat, and push notifications. There is no need to pre-format, pre-validate, or identify the desired channel in advance. All messages go through automatic channel, recipient, message, content, and opt-out compliance checks. Twilio provides multiple API endpoints for each messaging channel. Developers have to learn Twilio-specific languages and tools to build an end-to-end solution. In addition, developers are expected to identify channel, recipient validation, message validation, and opt-out compliance separately.
Data API eCourtDate is the only provider of a complete justice data API with full support for case management data models. We comply with data standards such as NIEM, OASIS, and NIBRS. We provide flexible endpoints to create and manage parties, cases, hearings, and more. This allows developers to focus on building streamlined data transfer integrations without worrying about controlling message templates, formatting, time zones, or channels. Court users can then configure Flows and Auto Messages to trigger immediate and delayed multi-channel notifications based on real-time data changes. Twilio does not provide a justice data API. Developers are expected to build their own data API and messaging infrastructure separately. In practice, this means that developers often hard-code messages and channels, leading to a lack of flexibility and scalability. Court users are forced to request custom development for changes to message templates and conditional triggers - leading to high costs and long lead times.
Message Scheduling eCourtDate can send messages immediately or schedule them for any future date and time. Scheduling can be automatically delayed based on business hours, holidays, and time zones. Scheduled messages are automatically resynced based on any changes to the underlying data - ensuring that the most accurate and up-to-date information is always sent. Each message can be triggered based on conditional logic, such as case status changes, hearing date changes, or party updates and scheduled based on a combination of data related to the case, party, or hearing (ex: 3 Days Before Court Date). Twilio does not provide a built-in message scheduling feature. Developers are expected to build their own message scheduling infrastructure separately. Due to the complexity of scheduling and maintaining a high-speed messaging queue, developers often build basic scheduling features without considering business hours, holidays, time zones, or data changes.
Message Templates eCourtDate provides a flexible message template system to create and manage dynamic, reusable, and multilingual message templates. Templates can be configured on the channel and direction level, such as (ex Email vs Text Header and Footer) as well as individual message level. Each message can use a combination of dynamic data, such as case number, hearing date, party name, and more through smart merge tags. Templates can be configured to automatically translate into multiple languages and dialects based on the recipient's preferred language. Twillio does not provide a built-in message template system. Developers are expected to build their own message template infrastructure separately. In practice, this means that message templates are often basic, limited to a single language, do not take different channels into account, and are hard-coded into the application.
Safety Checks eCourtDate provides automatic safety checks for all messages to ensure that they are compliant with opt in, opt out, and data privacy regulations. This includes automatic checks for message content, recipient, channel, time of day, opt-out status, and duplicate messages. Safety checks are configurable and flexible for each agency to meet unique requirements. Twilio does not provide automatic safety checks for messaging. Developers are expected to build their own safety checks separately. In practice, this means that safety checks are often basic, limited to a single channel, and do not take different channels into account. Developers may forget to check for opt-out status, leading to compliance issues and potential fines. In addition, Twilio does not prevent duplicate messages from being sent (a common issue with parties assigned to multiple cases), leading to user frustration, an increase in costs, and potential compliance issues.
IT Support Once your data source is integrated, IT can focus on other projects. eCourtDate provides ongoing support for all integrations, including updates, maintenance, and new features. We provide a dedicated Solutions Engineer to assist with the setup and configuration of the platform. We automatically send notifications if any internal integrations are no longer working as expected. Developers are expected to build and maintain their own integrations. Your internal staff changes and turnover can lead to a loss of system-specific knowledge and expertise. Twilio does not provide support differentiated for IT or court staff. All users are expected to be technical and understand the Twilio-specific terminology and tools. Twilio does not support internal integrations and does not provide monitoring tools.
Console Platform eCourtDate provides a web-based Console application that allows IT staff to manage all technical aspects of the platform. This includes the ability to manage API clients, SFTP gateways, phone numbers, multi-gateway messaging services, webhooks, custom domains, and audit logs. The Console is designed to focus on automation and security tools, so that IT staff do not have to manually manage each individual agency. Twilio provides a Console application for IT staff to only manage phone numbers and messaging services. The Console is designed for developers and is not user-friendly for non-technical staff. Only Twilio's API and messaging services can be configured as a gateway.
Admin Platform eCourtDate provides a web-based Admin application that allows court staff to manage all aspects of the platform. This includes the ability to manually send one-off messages, targetd bulk messages (such as for location closures), and to manage clients, cases, and events. The Admin application is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive for non-technical staff, similar to a modern CRM or CMS. Twilio does not provide a dedicated Admin application. Developers are expected to build their own Admin application separately.
Portal Platform eCourtDate provides a web-based Portal application that allows message recipients (such as defendants, attorneys, or staff) to self-enroll and manage their preferences. This includes the ability to manage their own contact information, opt-in and opt-out of messages, to view and respond to messages, view upcoming events, and access required documents. The Portal application is user-friendly and intuitive for non-technical staff, similar to a modern CRM or CMS. All features are configurable and flexible for each agency to meet unique requirements. Twilio does not provide a dedicated Portal application. Developers are expected to build their own Portal application separately.
Data Dashboards eCourtDate provides a real-time and standalone Data Dashboards application that monitors messaging, case, and hearing data. This includes the ability to view message delivery, open, click, and response rates, as well as case and hearing data changes based on court location, case type, judge, and more. The Data Dashboards application provides insights to help improve access to justice, streamline case processing and reduce no-shows. Twilio does not provide a dedicated Data Dashboards application. Developers are expected to build their own Data Dashboards application separately.
Custom Domains eCourtDate provides the ability to configure custom domains for all applications, including the API, Console, Admin, and Portal. This allows agencies to brand the platform as their own and to meet unique security requirements. Twilio does not provide the ability to configure custom domains for applications. Developers are expected to build their own custom domains separately.
SFTP Gateway eCourtDate provides a dedicated SFTP Gateway for each agency to securely process case management data files for automated transfers. This can be used separately or in conjunction with the API. Users can also manually bulk upload data files through the Admin application. Upload files are processed in real-time, can create and update parties, cases, hearings based on conditional logic, and can automatically trigger multi-channel notifications. This solution allows customers with limited development resources to quickly and easily automate data transfers without the need for custom development or usage of the API. Twilio does not provide a dedicated SFTP Gateway and does not allow for the ability to manually bulk upload data files. All data transfers must be done through the API or custom development.
Calendaring and Scheduling eCourtDate provides a dedicated Calendaring and Scheduling application that allows court staff to manage all aspects of the platform. This includes the ability to self-schedule, group schedule, and manage events, such as hearings, trials, and meetings. Calendars can be configured to automatically send multi-channel notifications based on real-time data changes. Twilio does not provide a dedicated Calendaring and Scheduling application. Developers are expected to build their own Calendaring and Scheduling application separately.

eCourtDate is not affiliated with Twilio. All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. All company, product, and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.