Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) for the eCourtDate SaaS Platform

This document describes the accessibility features and compliance of the eCourtDate SaaS platform, which includes web, text, email, and call functionalities, in accordance with Section 508 standards of the US Federal Government and international compliance requirements. This conformance report covers both the administrative and user interfaces of the eCourtDate platform.

The eCourtDate platform is designed to be accessible to users with disabilities, including those who use assistive technologies such as screen readers, magnifiers, and voice recognition software. The platform is continuously tested and improved to ensure compliance with accessibility standards and to provide an inclusive user experience for all individuals.

The following sections provide an overview of the platform's compliance with Section 508 criteria and detailed information about the accessibility features and support provided to users with disabilities.

Product Information

Product Information
Product Name eCourtDate
Product Version 1.0
Company Name eCourtDate, Inc.
Contact info@ecourtdate.com
Date July 27, 2024

Compliance Summary

Compliance Summary
Criteria Supporting Features Remarks and Explanations
Section 1194.21 Software Applications and Operating Systems Supports The platform is fully compatible with assistive technologies and provides keyboard shortcuts for all functionalities.
Section 1194.22 Web-based Intranet and Internet Information and Applications Supports All web content is accessible, with appropriate use of HTML tags, ARIA roles, and text descriptions for non-text content.
Section 1194.23 Telecommunications Products Supports Text, email, and call functionalities are fully accessible, providing alternatives for audio content and ensuring text readability.
Section 1194.24 Video and Multimedia Products Supports Multimedia content includes captions and audio descriptions to support users with disabilities.
Section 1194.25 Self-Contained, Closed Products Supports Not applicable as the platform is not a self-contained product.
Section 1194.26 Desktop and Portable Computers Supports Not applicable as the platform is a SaaS solution and does not include hardware.
Section 1194.31 Functional Performance Criteria Supports The platform meets all performance criteria, ensuring accessibility for users with various disabilities.
Section 1194.41 Information, Documentation, and Support Supports All documentation is available in accessible formats, and support is provided through accessible communication channels.

Detailed Compliance Table

The following table provides detailed information about the platform's compliance with each Section 508 criterion.

Detailed Compliance Table
Criteria Level of Support Supporting Features Remarks and Explanations
1194.21(a) Keyboard Accessibility Supports All functionalities are accessible using the keyboard. Keyboard shortcuts are provided for all interactive elements.
1194.21(b) No Disruption of Accessibility Features Supports The platform does not interfere with or deactivate accessibility features of other software or operating systems. Tested with various assistive technologies.
1194.22(a) Text Equivalents for Non-Text Elements Supports All non-text content has text equivalents. Images, videos, and other multimedia elements have appropriate alt text and captions.
1194.22(b) Synchronized Media Supports Captions and audio descriptions are provided for all synchronized media. All video content includes captions.
1194.22(c) Color and Contrast Supports Content is understandable without relying solely on color. Color contrast meets WCAG 2.1 AA standards.
1194.23(a) Telecommunications Functions Supports Text and email functions are fully accessible. Text messaging and email systems are designed to be accessible for screen readers and other assistive technologies.
1194.23(b) Hearing Aid Compatibility Supports The call functionalities are compatible with hearing aids and other assistive listening devices. Includes TTY and RTT support.
1194.31(a) Vision Impairments Supports Provides screen reader support, text-to-speech functionality, and adjustable text sizes. Tested with JAWS, NVDA, and other popular screen readers.
1194.31(b) Hearing Impairments Supports Provides captions for multimedia content and supports text-based communication. Includes captioning for all videos and provides transcripts for audio content.
1194.31(c) Physical Impairments Supports Supports alternative input devices and keyboard navigation. Tested with various assistive technologies like voice recognition software.
1194.31(d) Cognitive Impairments Supports Simple and consistent interface design, with clear instructions and feedback. Includes tools to assist with focus and comprehension.
1194.41(a) Accessibility of Documentation Supports All user manuals and documentation are available in accessible formats. Documentation provided in HTML, PDF, and other accessible formats.
1194.41(b) Accessibility and Compatibility Features Supports Product support documentation includes accessibility features and compatibility information. Information about assistive technology compatibility is included in the support documentation.
1194.41(c) Support Services Supports Support services are available through accessible communication methods. Support provided via phone, email, and online chat, all accessible to users with disabilities.

Additional Notes

eCourtDate, Inc. is committed to ensuring that our products are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. We continually review and improve our accessibility features to meet and exceed regulatory requirements.